Thursday, August 18, 2005

The devil is in the details.

So, you guys all know that I'm a part-time temp. And, usually it's REALLY easy work. And, I know, maybe I've been spoiled a little by that. But nothing could prepare me for my last three days in the Legal department.

Actual situation:

Courtney is date stamping a piece of incoming mail. Her boss, Mr. Legal, walks by and notices Courtney's "inadequate" stamping. The stamp Courtney has done is legible, but apparently not up to this department's standards.

Mr. Legal siezes the date stamp and process to stamp not once, not twice, but three times to get the "clarity" of stamp he desires, all the time muttering at the date stamp and its inability to stamp and its red and blue ink (as opposed to black ink).

Other rules:
Copying every single piece of paper that crosses my desk a minimum of 3 times (I shudder to think about how many trees I've been responsible for)
Stapling horizontally NOT diagonally
Having to recopy something because it wasn't "just so" (shameless waste of trees)
Having to print out all e-mails twice

I just wasn't made for this. The one awesome thing is that they get an hour and a half for lunch. Why the extra half hour? Because they don't take breaks duing the day. Ummm...does anyone else take breaks during the day?

To all my various friends in law school -- let this be a warning!! Do NOT end up where you life depends on exactly how things are date stamped.

So, days like these remind me why I don't want to be an assistant and motivate me to send A LOT of travel resumes out.

PS No communication this weekend...phones don't work in Yosemite.


Blogger eb said...

i also engaged in some wholesale tree murder this summer. medical records generates a huge volume of unneccesary paper that only *seems* more legitimate because it's medical. some records end up with 4 copies of the same bloodwork, in addition to the digital version. electronic revolution - feh.

8:47 PM  

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