Friday, January 27, 2006

Remember Mr. Ford?

I must become the world's biggest idiot when I sit at this desk. This morning I hung up, HUNG UP, on the award winning director/writer of the Sixth Sense.

Wow, somebody put me on the short bus.

Please make me feel better and tell me what stupid thing you did this week.


Blogger eb said...

Poor C-bear!

I did lots of stupid things this week, including sharing my sandwich-associated anger-management (SAAM) issues with the entire school. Cranky-pants McGee here.

Also, I had to look up who the award-winning director was. Sorry, M. Night.

11:11 AM  
Blogger elrusoblanco said...

i wouldn't feel too bad. while Sixth Sense was a good movie, he really let me down with Signs. he deserves at least one hang up, so i personally thank you for sticking it to him. :)

7:07 AM  
Blogger beeza44 said...

I think it should be law that you have to be hung up on at least 2 times a year, put life into perspective.

also the past tense of jump shold be jamped!

8:17 AM  
Blogger Petarded said...

well at least "lady in the water" didn't suck....

oh wait, it did!!!!

6:52 AM  

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