Remember Mr. Ford?
I must become the world's biggest idiot when I sit at this desk. This morning I hung up, HUNG UP, on the award winning director/writer of the Sixth Sense.
Wow, somebody put me on the short bus.
Please make me feel better and tell me what stupid thing you did this week.
Poor C-bear!
I did lots of stupid things this week, including sharing my sandwich-associated anger-management (SAAM) issues with the entire school. Cranky-pants McGee here.
Also, I had to look up who the award-winning director was. Sorry, M. Night.
i wouldn't feel too bad. while Sixth Sense was a good movie, he really let me down with Signs. he deserves at least one hang up, so i personally thank you for sticking it to him. :)
I think it should be law that you have to be hung up on at least 2 times a year, put life into perspective.
also the past tense of jump shold be jamped!
well at least "lady in the water" didn't suck....
oh wait, it did!!!!
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