Argumentative and Malicious, oh my!

So, I'm on tour at the Grand Canyon with my school group from Manchester. One of my passengers is sick. The closest place to take him? The Williams Urgent Health Care Clinic. I call at 7:15PM and ask directions, they tell me and inform me that as long as I'm there by 8PM, they will see my passenger.
As I creep up on 8PM, I call the clinic at 7:50 to let them know that we are in Williams, but following the speed limit and are literally turning the corner to get to the clinic. And then they hang up on me. As we pull up 30 seconds later, they turn the lights off at the clinic.
We jump off the coach and I begin pounding on the doors. One guy finally comes up to the door and tells us he can't do anything. The time? 7:59. My passenger? Still sick. The man (a PA) walks away as I'm ranting about the Hippocratic oath and cursing the clinic, slamming my mobile on the window.
The next morning, my group leader and I go to the clinic. The (un)helpful nurse from the night before has no excuse as to why they would not look after my passenger. As I question her again, she tells me, "If you were at Walmart and wanted to buy something, would you expect them to stay open?"
Livid Courtney, "Are comparing my sick passenger and shopping at Walmart?!!?!?"
The nurse walks away.
We get the information for her superior, who I have just spoken with this afternoon. The conversation goes something like this:
Courtney: "Hi there, my name is Courtney and I was the tour director in need of assistance on Saturday evening, have you heard what happened?" (Anticipating an apology)
Cindy: "Yes, I have heard. Can I have the name of your superiors?"
Courtney: "Certainly." (Provides the information) "Now, can you tell me why your clinic would not see my passenger?"
Cindy: "Apparently you were the most argumentative and manipulative person to ever come to the clinic."
Courtney (ignores the slam, remains professional): "We were there before 8PM."
Cindy: "We could argue this until the cows comes home." (Proceeds to use the phrase a number of times).
Courtney: "So, can you tell me in any place that this is acceptable? I had a sick passenger that you refused medical attention to."
Cindy: Gets angry and proceeds to hang up on the phone.
WOW! Please tell me your thoughts on this. We (me and the Group Leader) are taking this as far as we can. The picture includes the lads (male chaperones) from the trip. To this I dedicate to them...Matt Damon wishes and Staples dreams!
what was wrong with the rider? what kind of practice was it? private or public? you guys have some sort of insurance? um until i know more
I still have to side with you guys the whole oath thing and all. so I say letum get dehydrated and throw up slime.
dude, sorry i missed all that - i'll call tomorrow for the full story. til then, you should contact the state's branch of the AVMA. they're the ultimate authority in cases like yours, and probably the most likely to put the smack down on the-worst-clinic-EVER!
also....manipulative - WTF?! i'm glad your kids had team courtney going to bat for them, and i think cindy should be seriously afraid.
My passenger had a fever and was vomiting -- he just needed some sweet IV fluids.
I think they are public...? But could be no.
We did have insurance -- but since they wouldn't see us, then it didn't matter.
Perhaps I will post my letter that I plan on sending to the CEO shortly.
i think firebombs a la ol' Malatov are in order! burn, Nurse Ratchett!! no, seriously, i jest. if such an undeserving experience ever happens to me, i'll say the reason i can't pay is that 'my wallet is closed'.
i've been to Williams (luckily i wasn't infirmed) and the country restaurant on the highway out of town was pretty damn good.
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