Monday, January 14, 2008


So, quite honestly one of the weirdest things I ever experienced in my life. The city of Dubai is completely shut down. The reason? President Bush. Eric and I woke up this morning to find the roads completely deserted (imagine if the 101, the 405, and I-85, 78, and all the Peachtrees in Atlanta were shut down. Add to that the constantly circling helicopters and you'll get a sense of where we are.

Dubai is such a vibrant busy city, that it's weird to witness this particular occasion. I'll try and add some picture that Eric took on his phone of us walking down the middle of a usually packed road. We walked down to the mall, only to find it totally empty. the public and provate sectors were all officially shut down today. Eric says it feels like Savannah after a hurricane.

I'm glad for the day off, but ready for it to be tomorrow.


Blogger elrusoblanco said...

it almost sounds like a scene from 28 Days Later or I am Legend. also: i envy your Xmas eve festivities! i keep thinking that some Christmas i'll take off for a non-traditional vacation sans family, but we'll see if that ever happens!

3:59 PM  
Blogger Shirley said...

I was going to say the same thing "sounds like the movie I am Legend" All this for Pres. Bush....What everrrrrrrrrr.

Take care, I sure miss you guys.


7:24 PM  

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