Reflecting on a season...

Wow...checking my calendar, I've been on and off the road since March and somehow, inexplicably, it's almost October. I didn't actually keep track, but I think I have definitely logged over 15,000 miles for work. I'll be the first to tell you that this country of ours is constantly surprising me with its grandeur and beauty and its propensity for all things random. I'll just create a quick list of some of my highlights from my months on the road:
1. Don't overrate your own home. There was something so wonderful about coming home and knowing that the greatest kiddens ever (Brendon and Nubbins) and the greatest husband were waiting for me. Sometimes, all I had was a few hours to do a load of laundry and check the mail, but it somehow could make my life sane for another week or more. This also extends to the fact that, at home at least, my bed is stationary and so is my shower.
2. Working with others is better than working alone. I've been out there by myself, but now that I know how much fun it is to be on the road as part of a larger team, I'll never go back! This is a shoutout to the best new friends I made this season, Megan and Susie, my Torority sisters.
3. The Grand Canyon is best seen with people who have never seen it before.
4. Good drivers make all the difference. This is a particular shoutout to Bill -- thanks for all the licorice!
5. Wash your hands a lot.
6. It can snow in Bryce Canyon in September (above picture was taken during a short snowfall).
7. The Beverly Hilton is an AWESOME place to stay -- free mai tais from 3:00PM - 5:00PM by the pool, courtesy of the original Trader Vic's.
8. One can work six weeks straight with only 6 days off. Sleep is something you can always do later.
I think that's all I got for now. I am happy and safe back at 10753 Blix St., ready to write and slack at Warner Brothers at least until January. I hope to be a more consistent blogger.
Happy Birthday to Eric, Jared, and Anna!